How to clean your house to prevent coronavirus?

Cleanliness is what makes your surroundings beautiful. It’s extremely important to maintain cleanliness by cleaning your house and surroundings in a timely manner. Whether it’s residential kitchen cleaning or bathroom cleaning, you must focus on cleaning every corner of your house to keep your house germ-free and prevent illness.
Nevertheless, I guess you are all aware of the current situation i.e. coronavirus health crisis. It has become the biggest concern as the entire world is terrified of this contagious pandemic. That’s why you’ve got to be extra careful about keeping your house clean and yourself as well.
Since everyone is in lockdown and maintaining social distance has become quite necessary, you cannot expect anyone to help you with the cleaning need at the moment. It looks like coronavirus is going to stay for a while. Meaning, you will have to handle the cleaning task until everything gets back to normal.

COVID-19 is not just a simple virus that wants to go away easily
Here’s what you can do to keep your house clean and combat coronavirus

residential kitchen cleaning in Kilda

The kitchen
·         Disinfect and clean kitchen counterparts, appliance handles, cabinet pulls, cutting board, furniture, and other belongings carefully and regularly.
·         Use a sanitizing dishwasher to disinfect the dishes.
·         Keep the hand towels clean.
·         Clean spills right away to prevent dirt and bacteria from spreading.
·         Take out the garbage daily and disinfect the trash every single time you empty the trash.
The bathroom
·         Clean your bathroom daily.
·         Make sure to clean the faucets and handles properly.
·         Spray the toilet and the flush handle and wipe them properly.
·         Empty the wastebaskets every day to prevent bacteria growth and do not forget to disinfect the basket after throwing away the trash.
Other rooms
·         Mop the floor with sanitized floor cleaning solutions.
·         Vacuum the carpets whenever necessary.
·         Disinfect the items that you usually use often.
·         Make sure to turn off the power line before cleaning electronic devices.
·         Keep each and every object in your house disinfected and clean.

How to fight against coronavirus?
·         After coming back from outside, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap or hand wash.
·         As an extra precaution, carry an alcohol-based sanitizer every time you go out to buy essentials.
·         When you are out to buy something, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Do not touch those areas without washing your hands.
·         Disinfect and clean your home’s surfaces often to keep germs-free.

If you need help with residential kitchen cleaning in Kilda or house cleaning, Circle Clean will be there to help you. All you have to do is; reach out to us and let us know your cleaning needs.
